Yes, 100% authentic/original/legit! Our shop has a seller based in Europe who buys our items directly from store. The bags have inclusions as well and we will offer you a 100% money-back if proven that our items are not original.

There are items that are on hand which we usually post on our account but some of our items are for pre-order.

For onhand items, you can reserve it by sending an order form. We will reserve the item for 2 days. For pre-order items, you can reserve it by sending us an order form and down payment depending on the item/s you want to order.


Paypal, BDO, GCash, COD upon meet-up

SM North/Trinoma, Greenbelt, SM Megamall, SM Mall of Asia.

Yes, we offer COD! For clients within Metro Manila, you can pick-up your items where we are located, or thru meet-up. For clients outside Metro Manila, we can ship your items thru LBC COD.

We can have it shipped thru LBC COP.

For clients within Metro Manila, shipping fee is free of charge. There will be additional charges for clients outside Metro Manila

South Caloocan, Metro Manila.

We do, but for onhand items only. We will ship it via Lalamove or Grab Express, whichever you prefer. We will send you the tracking once the rider gets the item.

Yes! Our business name number is 2686805.